Yuko Sato Ondrejka
朝8時仲介者との最終面談が予定されていた。最終である。もちろん、主人も同席する。娘も別室 で待機する。黄金の通訳をしてくれる頼もしい上司と7時50分に自宅から徒歩5分のところにある、薄い黄色のヨーロッパ調の建物の前で待ち合わせをしている。日本人の血がそうさせるのか、もちろん、5分前に到着した。ヨーロッパの街並みには普遍性がある。一軒一軒に隙間がなくへびのように連なっている。上海に住んでいた時に、旧市街の中で似たような建物の一室に住んでいたことを思い出した。通訳はまだ現れない。上海の建物は、赤がふんだんに使われ、ところどころが色褪せ、塗り重ねられ、微量なそして美しいグラデュエーションが見られる。そこに、日の光が調和され、最も美しい抽象画になる。
As the sun rises again, the day I was afraid would be brought to me someday, music keeps carrying on. Ironically, It helps me to wake up from a nightmare in the morning. My heart, which took three months to freeze the nightmare, has welcomed the pitch-black day of my life, September 29th.
A final interview with the mediator was scheduled at 8 am. It's the final. Of course, my husband will be present too. Our daughter also will wait in a separate room. I am meeting with my reliable boss who will be a golden interpreter at 7:50 in front of a pale yellow European building 5 minutes walk from my flat. I wondered if Japanese blood would do that, of course, I arrived 5 minutes before. The architecture of Europe is universal. There are no gaps in each house and they are connected like a snake. When I lived in Shanghai, I remembered that I lived in a room in a similar building in the old town. The interpreter hasn't appeared yet. My mind can drift into a daydream. The buildings in Shanghai are rich in red, faded and repainted in places, with subtle and beautiful gradations. The light of the sun is harmonised there, and it becomes the most beautiful abstract artwork. I was so fascinated to take pictures.
In the city where I live in the Czech Republic, the cream colour is dominatingly growing. Each building has two splendid wooden doors, each showing its individuality with sculpture. They are so imposing that in vain do I knock on them, for nobody will answer. Moreover, in Czech, doors are always plural. A single door cannot exist. The door that I haven't opened in the depths of my heart may not be able to be opened by myself. This is the reason I got married to open the door and am now trying to put an end to it. Unfortunately, I couldn't open it, but I might be able to find the key during this meeting. It will be another moment of ICHIGO ICHIE (Like ships passing in the night). A word created by Sen no Rikyu. At a tea party a few days ago, I enjoyed this momentum with my five senses and swallowed it. This interview is a tea party. At that time, Sen no Rikyu appeared quietly and silently while doing a moonwalk. Probably, he's walking with Suriashi, which means he's walking quietly with the soles of the feet on the ground and it is a movement peculiar to Japanese martial arts and performing arts. However, in my daydreaming, he’s unmistakably the ultimate in a moonwalk wearing a kimono that is imbued with wabi-sabi colours. He was so magnificent that I showed respect and bowed deeply. The muscle I used in yoga last night hurt a little. I thought everything was the same.
The interpreter has appeared. We opened the heavy oak door and went inside. We were taken to the conference room nearby and I sat in the middle seat. My husband seems to sit next to me on the right-hand side. It's about 30 cm from my place. The required distance for the human comfort zone is about 70 cm. We share our comfort zone for the first time after separation. The air in the conference room is cool, rather chilly. I took off my jacket regardless. I took the notebook out of the bag and put it in front of me. A light blue bird gracefully perches on a flowering branch in the middle on a light blue background. Marie Laurencin-like flowers are in bloom around it. It took me until 2 am last night to write the good and bad things I should say that the lawyer supported. And I wrote down all the consequences. I opened the hardcover. The message originally written in the notebook jumped into my eyes. DO ALL THINGS WITH LOVE.
I saw it for the first time. I felt that I saw the ghost of a smile cross the lips of the elderly mediator sitting in front of me. He is the host of today's tea party. At that time, a famous episode of Sen no Rikyu touched my heart.
After cleaning the fallen leaves in the garden, Rikyu sprinkled dead leaves again. When the disciple asked why he had done this. "It's better to have a few leaves in the autumn garden," he says. Rikyu's aesthetic is that it is unnatural and unbeautiful when no leaves have fallen in the autumn.
Even if in a divorce proceeding, it is unnatural and unbeautiful when no love has fallen, My heart bowed deeply to him again. I bought this notebook when I went shopping with my family. We chose it while laughing together. At that time, the word divorce didn't exist in my head. A child will not understand this. Even my heart is confused. I felt sorry for my 12-year-old daughter who took a day off from school today and attended this interview. At the same time, listening to her father's and mother's quarrels every day, I thought of myself as a 12-year-old studious child. It's like a riddle that appears at Alice's tea party in Wonderland, which cannot be solved no matter how much you think about it. At that time, my husband and daughter appeared.
As usual, my daughter was dressed in black. She has beautiful long dark brown straight hair that stands out. She is my unpolished gem. I smiled and greeted her. Even her adolescent smile makes me happy. She goes to another room. My husband sits next to me. The clock in front of us announces the start. It was 10 minutes late. I didn't make eye contact with my husband, but his tensions flowed into my comfort zone. He was making excuses about their delay to the mediator as the tea ceremony owner and my interpreter.
An elderly mediator offered me tea first. I took a deep breath, gazed at him, and imaginarily lifted a warm, thin teacup with three fingers. . My tongue and lips are slowly and firmly tuned by amber liquid, and my breath and vocal cords begin to move. Who I am, my profession, and my marriage. My ears were picking up a slow British English that I, who always speaks fast, couldn't even imagine. I feel a pleasant beat from the comfort zone on the other side. The interpreter is very calm and got into the swing of words. Another boss of mine is also reliable. The Czech language, which has few highs and lows, dances like a straight silk ribbon in the ear of the mediator who is the master of the tea party. Interpreting is a great profession. It is needed by society, especially in my life. My interpreter proved it in this moment and it is my profession too. Necessity is the mother of invention. Mr Edison, That's right. The feeling that humans need simply creates self-esteem. And what underlies self-esteem is love. DO ALL THINGS WITH LOVE. These words which are written in the notebook came into my eyes. Sen no Rikyu smiles next to an elderly gentleman.
茶会の主人が次に私の主人にお茶を差し出す。私はゆっくりと呼吸をしながら、沈黙術に身を委ねる。大事なこの面談で私の口を黙らせる方法を伝授してくれたもう1人の私の上司に深々と頭を下げた。突然、14カラットのゴールドの私達の結婚指輪が思い浮かんだ。2枚の金のリボンが絡み合うケルト風のモチーフの指輪で、私がデザインした。言うがもがな、1枚は私の夫の愛、もう1つは私の愛だ。 皮肉だが、彼は数年前にそれを失くしている。 それをみた時、私の心に冷たい風が吹き抜け、指輪をはめるように私を促した。『この指輪は、あなたが沈黙を破ろうとした時の保険です』と。指輪をはめる。指輪物語のように、私は姿を消した。 夫の声だけが私の右耳から流れてくる。 晴天の霹靂のように 彼の声が驚くほど変化した。 それは威嚇的で、力強く、石のように過酷になった。 高い太陽の上を影が通り過ぎたように、会議室は一瞬暗くなった。 皆震え、私は耳をふさいだ。
信じられなかった。そこには全く違う結婚生活があったのだ。あの一杯のお茶が彼の口の中で広かった時、彼の五感を通して存在した結婚生活は私のそれとはかけ離れたものだった。全く違う恐怖の物語。それを聞くや否や、私は自分をコントロールすることができなかった。反射的に指輪を外し、異議を唱えたかった。しかし、指輪は私の左手の薬指には既に存在しなかった。何んという保険だろうか。私は1人、指輪物語の世界に取り残された。私は、そこでは最も明るい日光の下でのみ識別できる、薄い揺れる影にすぎなかった。 そして、この会議室には太陽が存在しない。 彼の口の中に広がっていたであろうそのお茶は、私が飲んだお茶とは違うものだったのだろうか? 千利休も私の上司も存在しない世界。 もちろんそうだ。夫の心には彼らは存在しないのだから。 彼は私が家事のできないひどい妻だと不平を言った。 私たちのフラットは麻薬中毒者の部屋のようだったと。 私の犬が床に毛を撒き散らし、フラットを歩き回るには靴を履かなければらなかったと。 かろうじて料理をしていたが、キッチンは大惨事だったと。 そして、私が部屋の雰囲気にストレスを撒き散らしたと。 特に、ホームオフィスの状態は騒音のようにうるさく、我慢ならなかったと。 オンラインレッスンの仕事を斡旋してくれていたのは、私の左側で通訳をしている私の上司であった。
今、私は決して解決できない謎謎の答えをとうとう見つけた。 なぜ彼は私と家事を分担してくれなかったのか? 彼は仕事をしていないのに、どうして彼は私を手伝う気にならなかったのか? 私が彼と家事分担について話し合うときはいつでも、堂々巡りに終わった。 私は毎日疲れ果て、お風呂上りにボディクリームを塗ることさえできなかった。なぞなぞの答えは、ここで証明された。彼の頭の中では、家事はすべて私の仕事であったのだ。 そして今、たとえ私がお金を稼いでいたとしても、たとえ、彼が仕事をしなかったとしても、私には、家事の負担を少しでも降ろせる余地はないのだ。 私が女性だから? なら、なぜ私は女性として生まれたであろうか? 頭の中でその理由を探そうと思ったちょうどその瞬間、ある彼の発言に私は不意打ちをつかれた。私と過ごす時間が少なかったいうストレスから、彼はビールの瓶を開けるしかなかったと言ったのだ。
The owner of the tea ceremony offers tea to my husband. I breathe slowly and surrender to the art of silence. I bowed deeply to my boss who taught me how to shut my mouth in the important meeting. Suddenly, our 14-karat gold wedding ring came into my mind. I designed it based on the Celtic motif in which two gold ribbons were entwined. No need to say anymore, one is my husband's love and the other is mine. In a nice little twist, he lost it a few years ago. It blew a chilly wind into my heart. It nudged me to put on the ring whispering in my ear. This ring is insurance in case you can't keep silent. Like the Lord of the Rings, the Ring made me invisible. Only my husband's voice flows to my right ear. It was out of the blue. The change in his voice was astounding. Suddenly it became menacing, powerful, harsh as stone. A shadow seemed to pass over the high sun, and the conference room for a moment grew dark. All trembled, and I stopped my ears.
I couldn't believe it. There was a completely different marriage there. Through his five senses, as a cup of tea exploded in his mouth, the marriage that existed was the exact opposite of mine, like the exact opposite of a horror story. I could not contain myself when I heard what he'd said. Therefore, I wanted to take off the wedding ring and I wanted to make objections. But the ring wasn't on the ring finger of my left hand. What an insurance! I was left behind in the world of the Lord of the Rings. I am only a thin, shaky shadow discernible in the brightest sunlight. And there was no sun here. Was that tea that would have spread in his mouth different from the tea I drank? There is no Sen no Rikyu nor my boss any more. Of course, they don't exist in my husband's heart. He complained that I was a terrible wife who couldn't do any housework. Our flat was like a drug addict's room. My dog had to flatter fur on the floor and he had to put on his shoes to walk into the flat. I cooked after a great struggle, but the kitchen was a disaster. And I spread stress into the atmosphere in the flat. In particular, the state of home office scattered noise and he couldn't stand it. It was my boss to the left of me who gave me the job of online lessons.
Now I found an answer for the riddle that can never be solved. Why didn't he share the household with me? Why on earth did he have no intention of helping me even when he didn't work? Whenever I had talked out our sharing of housework with him, it always ended with a wild goose chase of an argument. I was too exhausted to put body cream to my body after bath. The answer of the riddle was proved as it's all my job in his mind. And now I'm making money and he is not. However, there is no room where I can unload some of the housework. Because am I a woman? Why was I born a woman? I have just about started a chain of thought in my head. Just then, his statement caught me unawares that he had no choice but to open the bottle of beer because of the stress of spending less time with me.
一年と10ヶ月仕事をしないと人間の思考はこうも劣化するのか。私は荒波から顔を出し息継ぎをした。整然と整理された思考は私の鍛錬された心と同じ。このまま、彼の操り人形でいるわけにはいかない。ビールを買って冷蔵庫から取り出して手に持ったのは彼ではないか。 そして、ビールを開けたのは栓抜きであり、 私ではない。 私がしたことは、ビールを買うためのお金を稼ぎ、愛でもって彼にお金を渡したことだ。付け加えれば、ビールを注ぐためのグラスを洗ったことだ。私の強い意志の感覚が手に戻ってきた。しかし、指輪はない。その代償として、私の主人へ愛が既に踏み躙られている光景を目にした。しかも、一昔前の結婚感に凝り固まっている8歳年下の夫によって、私の彼への優しさは恩を仇で返されるという原始的な方法で踏みにじられていた。
Is this person a human being? Isn't he just a thin, shaky shadow, just like I am now? I can feel a kind of uplifting feeling from my safety zone on the right side. This is the logical expansion. This is the reasoning my husband is good at. I did decent housework, especially cooking. I used to work as a chef in a Vegetarian restaurant in Bath in the evening when I could not pay my way through photography. His claim for poor condition of his liver had gotten on top of me. Despite the flat not being spick and span I cooked healthy food every day. Because I had to just tread water every day. He always blames everything on me and plants a seed of guilt in me. This little guilt grows bigger and bigger in me and sooner or later I devote everything to him. The 12-year marriage was just a repeat of this. It is said that I keep playing the ideal wife he seeks for.
“He's being manipulating, Yuko”. I heard a voice from somewhere. “He's the same as my father”. It’s Voytek's voice. When he said those at our first Japanese lesson yesterday, it caused me a sound of a great alarm. “Same as my father, so my mother divorced him 20 years ago.” I got it. At that moment, I felt moistness in my eyes. In the first lesson even online, our empathy showed respect for each other and our hearts are connected. We could sympathize with each other in just an hour lesson. How come I had the same connection with my husband for 12-year marriage? My heart showed extreme sensitivity to people. Voytek is a 35-year-old Polish photographer studying Japanese. I am normal, but not him. I must get out from under his thumb. He could try to manipulate me until he is blue in the face, my decision is unwavering. I jumped from this nightmare marriage, landed, and am about to stand up with my painful feet. Because I've never had such a wonderful empathy with my husband in my 12 years of marriage. He always pushed his feelings on me and I was working hard to accept them. There is no other way around it. Because I thought it was love. Being left behind in the world of the Lord of the Rings, I focused on all my strength. Didn't the book say that to master the Ring's capabilities, a Ring-bearer would need a well-trained mind, a strong will, and great native power?
“If mortals don't work for a year and 10 months, would they deteriorate like this?” I came out of the rough seas and took a breath. Well-organized thinking is the same as a well-trained mind. I could not just be his puppet. Isn't he the one who bought the beer, took it out of the fridge and held it in his hand? And it was the bottle opener in his hand that opened the beer. Not me. What I did was make money to buy beer and give him money with love. In addition, II washed the glass for pouring his beer into. My strong sense of will is back in my hands. But there is no ring. In return, I saw the sight of love already being trampled on my husband. What's more, my kindness to him was trampled in a primitive way by my husband, who was eight years younger than me, who was stuck in the feeling of marriage a long time ago.
It had conjured up the last scene of the movie called Kama Sutra. The beautiful heroine loses her loved one to the elephant's crushing death by the jealousy of the king whose wife is her best friend and his mistress is her. The jealousy of the two is intricately entwined like my golden wedding ring and punished the heroin by executing her love. The moment the beautifully dressed elephant lay down on her love, she wiped the red pattern on her forehead with the Indian traditional costume called Shala. That scene appeared in my dreams many times for some reason. Now I have a clear reason for that. My love for my husband was laid under the elephant, and My marriage pattern, which was beautifully drawn on my forehead, was my proud and dear for 12 years, and I touched it many times to make sure. I wiped off the beautifully depicted marriage of artwork on my forehead. I wiped off completely from the moment I kissed my husband for the first time under the cherry blossoms, the feeling of exhilaration I felt at the wedding, and happy times when we raised our daughter together. Everything is now under the elephant's body. I have an exceptional memory like an elephant. In particular, I remember the experience in detail by using my sensitivity with the five senses. This is one of my native power. Every memory is now under the elephant body. Of course I needed a great number of elephants. The sight of a series of elephants in an elegant crescent shape was in front of me. Seeing it with my own eyes, I was on the verge of despair.
指輪を長くはめすぎた。視界はどんどん暗くなり、聴覚は冴えまくる。私は、地中深くに落ちていく。パラレルワールドは本当に存在するんだ。ということは、娘も別のパラレルワールドで生きている可能性がある。それぞれのパラレルワールドの境界を行き来できる魔法の道具が愛なんだ。私は一体この12年間何をしていたのだろうか?私の出来損なった結婚は私の虚栄心が生み出した。。『虚栄心は共感を育むことへの致命的な障害です。』 その通りだ。。 もう一人のお茶の達人、岡倉天心は彼の著書「茶の本」にこう書いていた。 私は家族への愛という素晴らしい道具も、夫のために床の最高の状態も生み出すことができなかった。彼にとって、重要なことは、床が綺麗であること。いくら私が頑張って働いても何にもならないのだ。ということは、床さえ綺麗に掃除していれば、私達は幸せだったのだろうか?そして、皮肉にも、床を掃除してほしいと思っていたのは、この私だ。夫が働いていない。彼は床を掃除するのに十分な時間があった。 したがって、私は床を掃除することの優先順位を付けなかった。 この誇り高くも偏見に満ちた私の態度が、健全な結婚の性格についての理解を誤解に導いてたことに気づいた。 誰も教えてくれなかった。「当然ですよ。そんなこと誰も教えません」 岡倉天心が続けた。 「見せびらかすのではなくて、ほのめかすといふこと、これが、無限なるものの秘訣なのだ」そうだ、香港で彼の本を読んでいた時、確かにこのフレーズを読んだ覚えがある。しかも黄色のマーカーでハイライトをつけた。私は床に敬意を払わず、ただのほこりのように見えた愛の無限についての何千もの秘訣に気付きもしなかった。だから、今私は地中深くに落ちていく。
I put on the ring for too long. My vision became darker, but my hearing was sharper. I fall deep into the unknown world, which might be called depression or hell. It is acknowledged that parallel worlds really exist. My husband has proved it. That means that my daughter may also be living in another parallel world. I have dimly realised that we could share the boundaries of each dimension with love. What on earth have I been doing for the last 12 years? My flawed marriage had appealed to my vanity. “It is a fatal obstacle to fostering empathy.” Yes, it is. Another master of tea, Tenshin Okakura wrote in his book called the Book of Tea. I had created neither a great gadget called love for my family nor the best condition on the floor for my husband. The important thing for him is that the floor is clean. No matter how hard I work, I will get nothing in return. So would we be happy in our marriage if the floor had been kept cleaned? Ironically, it was me who wanted him to clean the floor because my reasoning showed that my husband did not work, so he had plenty of time to clean the floor. Therefore, I did not sort out my priority to cleaning the floor. I realised that this prideful and prejudiced attitude of mine had led me to be totally mistaken about the characters of a healthy marriage. No one told me. ”Of cause, no one did.” continued Okakura. ”Instead of showing off, throwing out a hint. And this is the secret of infinity”. Yes, I do remember reading this phrase when I was in Hong Kong. And I highlighted it with a yellow marker. So that is why I am falling deep into the air. Because I didn’t respect the floor to pick up thousands of hints to infinity of love which looked like just mort and dust.
My daughter stepped on the accelerator at the falling speed. She said to the mediator in the separate room that she wanted to live with my husband. She stood for my husband. It astounded me. She was an unpolished gem and a sore point with me. My husband had created a magical tool that would allow him to share her parallel world for over a year and 10 months. In the meantime, I was decorating myself with vanity and rushing to pour money into them. My daughter is 12 years old. Czech law respects the will of children over the age of 12. It was a proven fact that my trust bond with my daughter which we’d built since the day I had found my pregnancy had been whittled away by two years of nursing my parents and one year and 10 months with full-time job plus freelancing and a home to run. I was just keeping on my toes. I surrendered spontaneously that I had failed in neither my parental duties nor spousal duties. I have accepted that I was the odd one in my family.
Suddenly, Sen no Rikyu appeared. He floated in the air and was sitting properly. It's a famous story, but he had a disagreement with the Samurai warlord, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and was finally forced into harakiri. Same as I am now when I was sentenced to harakiri by my beloved family. September Czech, Honza who held a tea party last weekend appeared. When I first met him, he showed me a dagger. "Please tell me the meaning of the Chinese characters written on this dagger," he asked. The samurai used his dagger to perform harakiri. The dots connect to the line.
"Some can be protected by bowing their heads, while others cannot be protected by bowing their heads."
Rikyu, who was quick on the uptake and humble to people, gave me a sense of stubbornness stared firmly into my eyes. I felt his pride like a deep and steady vibration.
"Don't forget to keep aesthetic. Then you must have pride." He whispered in my ear. At that moment, the fall stopped. My feet are not on the floor. Probably because I forgot the aesthetic of keeping the floor clean.
Suddenly I was sitting in bed with my father. The night of the day her mother died, it was the moment when our hearts first communicated. My father said slowly and lovingly. "We were born in a venerable samurai house. It's not the one below. Take pride."
What is the pride of the samurai family? I don't remember being taught such a thing. My father, who was supposed to teach me, was busy drinking, and all the education I received was based on the Western separation of spirit and matter. Indeed, I may have confused pride with vanity, or I put my shoes on the wrong feet. I wanted to put on my thinking cap which lies in my closet next to my emotions. The ground that I was stepping on with the wrong shoes no longer exists anywhere. Suddenly, the abstract artwork of my future that I saw in the park emerged. I got a clue about this artwork while staring at it. There was a faint but shape of the door I haven't opened in the depths of my heart cannot be opened by myself. But now I found the key. It's in my hand. All I have to do is find someone to open it with unconditional love and pride.
Always rising after a fall and I will turn everything to good account. Firstly, I must land on the ground. I can't even fall in the state of floating. Once I determined that I would not be afraid of pain, I was pulled back to reality.
And the interview was over.
Edited by Aliwyn Cole
Inspired by Voytek, Sen no Rikyu, Tenshin Okakura
Dedicated to my husband and my father