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  • 執筆者の写真Yuko

3.10. Getting on Board


The morning air was crisp and fresh, carrying the lingering tranquillity of my long meditation. I was walking to the yellow field in a half-sleeping head. The sun began peering over the horizon, casting a golden hue on the dew-kissed yellow rapeseed flowers. I took a deep breath, keeping my eyes closed and feeling the weight of the duel with my younger brother lift, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose.

At the same time, I felt a kind of sentimental after the quiet departure of a presence that occupied long in my soul. It was part of me, defining my steps and shading my thoughts. Yet as it left, it made way for a new sense of purpose illuminating my path with fresh light. Yes, my soul became lighter.

My loyal dog, a constant companion in this journey trotted ahead of me, her tail wagging with enthusiasm. She glanced back, her big moist eyes encouraging me to follow. With each step, I felt the remnants of my internal battle fade further into the background, replaced by the warmth of new beginnings. I was walking on the path of transformation.

As my lovely dog, Inca paused to nuzzle my hand, I felt a surge of love and connection. This simple act reminded me of the bond we shared and the support that guided me forward. Strangely, this connection extended beyond, touching all those who have supported me, including you, Satchi. Together, we ventured into the new day, ready to explore the path that lay ahead, illuminated by shining yellow flowers which carry the promise of fresh possibilities and deeper self-discovery.

I felt a profound oneness, a sense of being part of something vast and unimaginable. The past of what I was no longer matters, I embraced this evolution, guided by love. I felt love reminding me I was never truly alone.

I opened my eyes and got out of bed, heading to the kitchen. Without thinking, I started my usual morning ritual. I poured water into the espresso machine and filled it with freshly ground coffee. The beautiful aroma stung my nose, bringing me back to the present moment. I carefully and purposely pressed the start button of the espresso machine and... nothing happened.

It didn't turn on. I shook it, checked all the parts, and switched it off and on a couple of times. I realised the fact. My conscious mind told me—that it fulfilled its task.

I looked at the espresso machine with my heart. It was stained with coffee colour, the top cap was cracked. Suddenly, the espresso machine became bigger, at least in the projection of my heart. It was imbued with my mother's love and support. It showed a scene. I was in a supermarket called Tesco with my mother and small daughter.

I bought it in Budapest during an epic train journey with them, a trip that took us from the Czech Republic to Berlin, through the Alps in Switzerland, down to Italy, and went East through Austria to Budapest. Yes, I remembered well, the final destination was Timisoara in Romania, where my ex-husband temporary worked. I looked at my little daughter who was four years old. She was so lovely. It was ten years ago from now.

In the scene, my mother, who shared her love for coffee, was helping me to chose this simple, affordable espresso machine. On the way back to Prague, my little daughter helped carrying this machine. Since then, brewing coffee every morning became a cherished ritual, a connection to those days and to my mother. Each day, the machine would hiss and bubble, filling the air with a beautiful aroma that made me feel alive, conscious, and connected to my mother's spirit.

This espresso machine had been my steadfast companion who supported me through difficult times, and tried to remind me of the love we shared. Surely, it or she did. However, I didn't noticed it. It was as if my mother was pushing me to navigate our shared karma, guiding me with every cup.

She whispered through the steam and the scent of coffee, teaching me about the love that faintly existed between me and my brother, between her and my brother. I had been so caught up in my inability to forgive my younger brother for his unfilial behaviours, which had caused so much pain to my parents, that I didn't notice.

As the machine lay silent this morning, I realised I didn't need to drink too much coffee anymore. Because I finally notice the existence of a hidden deliciousness beneath bitterness. Now the espresso machine had served its purpose.

My heart was refreshed, brimming with curiosity that would sustain me far beyond a cup of coffee. It was the curiosity for love and my life's purpose on Earth. The refreshed heart cleared up my inner conflict and curiosity for love opened up new vista.

I got an intuition. Perhaps, I had a misconception about love. Could it be that love isn't something completely different from what I used to seek for?

Therefore, I need to start from scratch and change my attitude and approach to love.

Let's start now.

I sat on the kitchen floor and closed my eyes. I was curious about meditating without my usual cup of espresso. Settling into the lotus position, I began to count slowly from 33 to 1, creating protective constructs around myself. I decided to clean the base chakra and crown chakra by the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement which Satchi taught me.

I enjoyed observing chakras with my psychic vision which returned back to me last night. They looked like crystallised huge colourful disks with vibrations. There is no dark black part in them. I removed the blockages as a farmer removes the blockages in a water course (Energy meridian) running in his field.

I connected the scarlet red disk to the kundalini chakra which located below the base chakra. It released a snake like dragon which I found two years ago. Then, I rode on the dragon to go through the chakras below the kundalini chakras one by one. I cleaned chakras by scanning with my hands which had blue flame. I was covered with blue flame which I generated by hitting flints in the last meditation. I touched all chakras to accelerate the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement. All worked well.

Interestingly, during this process I cleaned the crown chakras and the chakra above it at the same time. Because top and bottom were often controlled by the same black magicians and controllers. All steps worked so fast that I couldn't see the details which were not so important for me after the last night duel.

The cleaner chakras became, the clearer I could see them in a big picture. They were a part of gigantic geometric structure.

I flew up to the top through this geometric structure. It changed shape around me as if it guided me to the right place. I reached an infinity chakras above my head, where I applied the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement on the infinity mark with surrounding chakras at the seventh step which was the final step.

The shining lights which might be angels appeared and covered the infinity mark.

Then, the infinity mark transformed the Möbius band.

I kept breathing, quickly breathing in, holding a few seconds and breathing out slowly. This activity stopped my thoughts. It was a command to my mind and brain to observe everything.

I let my soul free. I had already connected my crown chakra to my soul chakra. My soul started to speak to my brain.

"The Möbius strip represents a transition between two seemingly opposite experiences you had so far, such as inside and outside, water and fire, day and night, men and women... It suggests a non-dual perspective. You must transcend binary thinking and dualistic perceptions. You must stop thinking about how to do it. Just imagine oneness and interconnectedness with something you never imagined to do. It doesn't have qualities or conditions, which means cosmic."

So I did while touching both surfaces of the bands with my fingers.

My fingers started reading them.

"This continuous surface of the Möbius strip has no clear beginning or end. This is meditation. It can be a continuous process of self-discovery and awareness, where thoughts and insights flow without rigid structures."

The act of physically tracing the strip helped draw attention away from distractions and into a focused state of being. So, I was grounding myself in the present moment. It gave me a new perspective that not all experiences are linear.

All of sudden, the Möbius band transformed into a massive railway station.

"Take a train and observe your experience without feeling confined to a linear narrative. It would encourage curiosity and openness, allowing for new insights and perspectives to emerge. You will observe your experience and at the same time, you will experience the opposite side of your experience. It's an experience of absoluteness, unlimitedness, and purity. "

A train approached and stopped. I got on board. The door closed.

I sat on the empty seat. The train departed and increased speed. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds. It helped me to create a new perspective that not all experiences are linear.

Giant hands appeared playing with a red linear paper. I observed these hand movements, and at the same time, I experienced that the red linear paper represented my timeline and the skilful hands represented the train.

It was quite bizarre to say that the red paper craft was created by both my observation and being observed. And the red paper craft was the train I got on board. It was not a linear experience at all.

Then, I understood everything happening right now.

I kept breathing and opened my third eye during meditation. Please don't be confused! I was still meditating.

I was on the train and I saw heavy rain in the forest from the window. I was crying like the rain outside. I knew this memory. I was on the way to Gaoshun in Taiwan. I was in my mid-twenties and just experienced my first heartbreak in Hong Kong and decided to visit my friend in Taiwan.

Unlike my memory, my third eye saw me as a woman who rejected love. Inside of myself, my sub-personality was afraid of love and my inner child was seeking attention. Black Moon Lilith raised anger at the man who said goodbye to me and I was crying like there was no tomorrow.

I just observed myself. After a while, a man got on the train. He sat next to me. I was so busy crying that I didn't notice him. He opened his bag and picked up a book. And he started reading the book at laud.

He was reading in beautiful Chinese.

Then, an extraordinary transformation unfolded. The Chinese characters he was so eloquently reciting transcended the page, wrapping around me like a shroud of silent power. Their essence seeped deeply into my being, igniting a tumultuous whirl within my core.

The fearful heart for love in my sub-personality began to thrum wildly, and it shook the innocent longing for attention in my inner child. It was as if an unseen hand spinning thread of the fear and the desire for attention.

Meanwhile, the anger of Lilith, the dark moon, flickered and roiled, intertwining with the sadness that covered me who sat in the seat of the train. Then, the unseen hand started spinning the intertwining threads.

His voice, rich and melodic, flowed like a river of wisdom, each word a gentle current that carried me further into the depths of introspection.

As he closed the book with a final voice, “I will give you this book,” he stated with an air of importance, each syllable and tone weighted with significance.

“Please read it. It is filled with hints to help you weave together the many strands you have spun.”

“Remember,” he added, his gaze piercing through the layers of my confusion, “天下皆知寻常之为寻常,斯特别矣。(It is because there are special things that the whole world knows the usual as the usual.)”

His words echoed in my mind, stirring long-buried memories. A sudden flash of clarity struck me—a poem I had remembered when I saw the Enso.

Everything was undeniably connected. I felt a surge of urgency within me, compelling me to open my eyes. I staggered towards the bookshelf, my heart racing with anticipation. There it was, resting quietly among the volumes.

A gasp escaped my lips as I recognised the cover. It was the book of Tao by Laozi, but mistakenly considered a mere Buddhist manuscript in the depths of my memory.

With trembling hands, I opened the book, curiosity dancing along my fingertips. I began to read, each word inviting me into a world of profound wisdom.

The journey awaited, and I was poised to embrace it.

To be continued to 3.11 Laozi and Alchemy




3.9. Duel


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