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Frugal person>倹約家>けんやくか>Kenyakuka

執筆者の写真: YukoYuko


Hi Margaret,


What a delightful lesson we had, Mrs. Frugal! You impressed me with your lengthy Japanese conversation. You described your trip to Singapore and Malaysia, using comparative forms and some adjectives. Your summary, "Because I am a frugal person," tied everything together wonderfully. Now, let’s take a closer look at the grammatical aspects of your speech and how you constructed those sentences. Great job!

Ah, I nearly forget to tell you. In order to increase your vocabulary, I will apply a lean production method on this blog.

So, you are frugal and I am lean. We are a quite good pair, right?

Let me explain what is the wonderful world of Lean Production—a method which was created in Japanese manufacturing and that's as smooth as a sushi roll!

Method 1: I write Japanese after the word you might be interested in using in your conversation. (All new vocabulary are linked to each other in the context. You know what I am talking about and what you need is picking up new words which you are interested in. It prevents you from being overwhelmed with unnecessary vocabulary which you need even neither digest nor remember.)

Method 2: In our lesson, we practice pronunciation together and you practice reading Hiragana and Kanji. (It will be quicker with me and easier to remember. You know the meaning of them from English.)

Method 3: Verbs are infinitive which are called Jisho kei in Japanese grammar.

So, I ask you to conjugate into a proper tense according to English. Then, you do conjugation exercise following the chart I created. I attached it below as a example.

Method 3: You can ask me about grammatical information up to your interest. (I won't give you extra information which YOU are not interested in or already full).

Let's try! I will add Japanese after the word you might be interested in below. I will explain what lean production system is and my aim.

Imagine想像する>そうぞうするSozosuru a bustling sushi寿司 restaurantレストラン in Japan日本, where everything flows流れる>ながれる seamlesslyスムーズに. I know知る>しるyou already visited訪れる>おとずれるOtozureru Japan. Lean Production is like that! At its heart本質的に>ほんしつてきに, it’s all about maximising最大にする efficiency効率>こうりつ while minimising最小にする waste無駄>むだ. Think考える>かんがえるKangaeru of it as perfecting完璧にする>かんぺき your favouriteお気に入り Japanese dish料理>りょうり: you want only the best最高の>さいこう ingredients材料>ざいりょう, cooked料理する>りょうりする to perfection, without any leftovers残り物>のこりもの!


昨日きのう ご飯を 料理した。

昨日材料をWO 料理した。

昨日 寿司を食べました。

昨日 ビールを飲んだ。

昨日 ビールを飲みました。

昨日 靴を買いました。

昨日 靴を買った。

私は 寿司を料理できた。

明日 日本料理を料理するかもしない。


家から ブルーマウンテンまで、いち時間(じかん)半はん(30分間) かかる(It took one hour and half) 


forgot 忘れる>忘れました>忘れた>わすれる






1. Let's try the verb conjugation of Group 2- I ending, "Feel".

"As you can see, conjugating "Group 2 verbs" is quite straightforward. All of their forms follow the same pattern: simply take last letter, "ru" and combine the rest. Except the third form, it become an infinitive form "Kanjiru". In contrast, "Group 1 verbs" have more complexity, as they can be conjugated in six different ways."

Here you can see the other Group2-I ending verbs.

Attention! We have both. The meanings are same.

I can feel the cold.

私は、寒さを(wo) 感じれる。or  感じられる。

2. Transformation from Adjective to Noun.

寒(さむ)い > さ 寒さ(Noun)

暑い >暑さ

おいしい > おいしさ

Busy>忙(いそが)し > 忙しさ


I found a list of adjective which might be useful. We can practice them later step by step.


私のコーヒーは、熱くて Atsukute、茶色です。









今朝、私はパンを食べた。パンは、薄くて、白でした。(past tense of be-verb)



When I go to Blue Mountains, I feel happy.

(. )ni iku to (toki) , watashi wa shiawase to kanjimasu.

(. )ni itta toki, watashi wa shiawase to kan ji mashita.

Because なぜなら   からです。

3. "Because" construction

“To express the reason politely, we often use the construction '何故なら:Nazenara, (add the reason) だからdakara or からkara' which means 'because.' For example, you might say,

The difference between "dakara" and "kara" when putting it at the end of a sentence.

If the reason sentence you're inserting ends with a noun, you use "dakara." If it ends with an adjective or verb, you use "kara."

"何故ならNazenara、私はwatashi wa人間Ningen だからdakara です。Because I am a human being.

'何故ならNazenara、私はwatashi wa 勉強するbenkyou-suru からkara です。desu'.

When speaking casually among friends, you can use 'だって、Datte,' which also means 'because.'

だってDatte, 私はwatashi wa 忙しいisogashii からkara' .

To simplify your sentences, you can simply add 'kara' at the end, such as 'Watashi wa isogashii, kara' (I’m busy, that's why). If you want to emphasize your reason, place 'dakara' at the beginning: 'Dakara, watashi wa isogashii' (That’s why I’m busy). This way, you can express your reasoning clearly in various contexts."


Because>何故なら、 雪(ゆき) がない からです。Because there is no snow.

雪が降(ふ)る(snow verb) >降らない Furanai

That's all. You did well!

Now今>いま, my aim目的>もくてき here is to sprinkle a bit of Lean magic魔法>まほう on our Japanese learning学習>がくしゅう process過程>かてい. Just like a master chef料理人 carefully selects選ぶ their ingredients, we'll focus集中する>しゅうちゅうする on the essential不可欠な>ふかけつな elements要素 that help助ける>たすける language言語>げんご learning flourish. We’ll slice away排除する>はいじょする the distractions and focus焦点をあてる on what truly本当に>ほんとうに matters重要なこと>じゅうよう—effective効果的な>こうかてきな communicationコミュニケーション, fun楽しい>たのしい vocabulary語彙>ごい, and engaging魅力的な>みりょくてきな conversations会話>かいわ!

With Lean techniques, we’ll continuously improve改善する>かいぜんする our learning methods方法>ほうほう, ensuring each lesson is as delightful as a perfectly完璧に>かんぺきな timedタイミングの tea ceremony called Sado茶道. Do you remember覚える>おぼえる the book I introduced 紹介する>しょうかいする"The Book of Tea茶の本>ちゃのほん"?

So, roll upまくりあげる your sleeves袖>そで, Margaret! We're about to embark on a wonderfully素晴らしい>すばらしい efficient journey旅>たび to Japanese fluency流暢な>りゅうちょう, where each step is aimed at getting us closer to our language goals which can make a fun conversation when you go to Japan next次の>つぎの time時>とき- without any fishy business! Let’s make learning学習する>がくしゅう as enjoyable楽しく>たのしく as a walk散歩>さんぽ through a cherry桜の blossom花の park公園>こうえん! 🌸

Now, let's review復習する>ふくしゅうする comparative比較>ひかく construction構文>こうぶん.

Vocabulary 語彙>ごい 単語>たんご

expensive>(値段が)高い>たかい cheep>(値段が)安い>やすい

Singapore シンガポール Malaysia マレーシア Japan 日本>にほん Australia オーストラリア

From Genki I

We are going to learn this structure.

Let's compare比較する>ひかくする theseこれらの things物>もの among Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and Australia!

That's all.

See you tomorrow! また明日>あした!

I will write the sentences in English only in case it is difficult to read for you.

Imagine a bustling sushi restaurant in Japan, where everything flows seamlessly. Lean Production is like that! At its heart, it’s all about maximizing efficiency while minimizing waste. Think of it as perfecting your favorite Japanese dish: you want only the best ingredients, cooked to perfection, without any leftovers!


Now, my aim here is to sprinkle a bit of Lean magic on our Japanese learning process. Just like a master chef carefully selects their ingredients, we'll focus on the essential elements that help language learning flourish. We’ll slice away the distractions and focus on what truly matters—effective communication, fun vocabulary, and engaging conversations!


With Lean techniques, we’ll continuously improve our learning methods, ensuring each lesson is as delightful as a perfectly timed tea ceremony. So, buckle up, my lovely students! We're about to embark on a wonderfully efficient journey to Japanese fluency, where each step is aimed at getting us closer to our language goals—without any fishy business! Let’s make learning as enjoyable as a stroll through a cherry blossom park! 🌸




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