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Why do people who have high spiritual intelligence experience hardship throughout their life?


There are three underlying reasons that no one is ever aware of.



皆様 こんにちは












  • people in higher level of spirituality

  • people who are awaken in the higher level

  • people who reached spiritual enlightenment 

  • people with high spirituality

  • people with high spiritual power

  • people with high spiritual quality



YUKO:なるほど。High Spiritual Intelligenceという言葉がよく合うような感じがします。それでは、その言葉を使って、翻訳させていただきます。

Hello, I'm Miena.
Today, I will write about the answer to why people who have high spiritual intelligence have often struggled in their lives.
Most people, highly likely including you, might think that such people will be happy. However, many of them in fact have endured conflicted feeling in their lives.



I've learned from scanning various people with a psychic power. Although they may seem happy to other people, they endure conflicted feeling while battling with society. But they are also a natural peace-maker. In an argument, they are usually the one to extend the olive branch, even if it’s not reciprocated. It let others take advantage of their amicable nature. They also have struggle of suffering from anxiety caused by vague impatience of having to accomplish their mission.

YUKO: reciprocate 他の人と同じ感情を共有したり、他の人と同じように行動したりすること。amicable 多くの場合、困難な状況にもかかわらず、人々の間で楽しく友好的な行動をすること


In my blog, I often remind you, “In order to be happy, you must increase the capacity to produce higher vibration and frequency.'' Therefore, you might think that's a contradiction of what Miena always says. Let me explain this point today.

"This article is for those who are interested in spirituality and those who seek personal growth in this way. I will give three convincing reasons why people with high spiritual intelligence have often battled with difficulties than people with lower one. On top of that, I will also explain the true meaning of developing higher spiritual power."
I hope that it might help you to understand the real meaning of facing difficulties in your life. You can have a great clarity in your mind.



YUKO:わかります。英語では、paradigm shift、Aha moment と表現します。

You might have a baby paradigm shift, "Aha moment", when you read my conclusion.



魂のレベルが高い人 = 波動の高い人 = 霊格が高い人

Why do people with high spiritual intelligence have experienced hardship?

First of all, let me give you a definition of highly spiritual intelligence as having a high level of soul and vibration, plus a reasonably objective recognition of who they are and clear thoughts and ideas in their minds.
High spiritual quality = high level of soul + high vibration frequency + recognition of who you are + clear thoughts and ideas in your mind



  1. 天界より、急成長を求められている

  2. 霊格が高いだけで、使命を果たしていない

  3. 大きな力を持ちすぎているため、人格を矯正させられる


Such people often have a lot of trouble in their lives.
What on earth do such people struggle even though they have high spiritual intelligence?
Here are three underlying reasons.



YUKO:では、deities in heavenを使います。

  1. Deities in heaven demand that person to grow rapidly.

  2. The person only has high spiritual state, but he or she is not fulfilling their mission.

  3. The person has greater spiritual power than he or she can control it. He or she is forced to become a good person before using his or her great power.

Let me explain one by one.

“People whose spiritual quality (vibration) is too low will not receive divine justice. This is because the jurisdiction is not in heaven. Therefore, if they receive divine punishment, it means that beings in heaven such as deities, angels and high souls put an eye on those who have potential. Because they have room for growth.





霊格が高い人 ≠ 人類の役に立つ能力を持つ人

Reason 1:
①Deities in heaven demand that person to grow rapidly.  
No matter how high that person's spiritual level is, it is meaningless if he or she doesn’t serve humanity.
Deities won’t positively evaluate you just because you have a "high spiritual quality." 
You must possess outstanding ability to harness your unique talent to serve humanity. If you have a high spiritual quality, but not enough to serve humanities, deities in heaven give you hardships to develop your ability which allows you to serve humanity with your unique talent.
A person with high spiritual quality ≠ a person who has great ability to serve humanity

(霊格が高くとも苦労を背負うのは) やるべき社会貢献において、能力不足であると天界が判断しているからです。


In a nutshell, deities in heaven judge that you are deficiency in performance to serve society.
Furthermore, potential people are expected to serve humanity while they are still alive. So, those who are older are expected to grow extremely quickly.

YUKO: こんな風に、補足を入れてもいいかも?Time is limited in this three-dimensional world.

In this case, the troubles you suffer from will be desperate.

YUKO: 補足:You must acquire extraordinary ability as quickly as possible.



霊格が高い ≠ 天界のメッセージを受け取れる

Reason 2:
② The person only has high spiritual intelligence, but he or she is not fulfilling their mission.
It is wonderful that you enhance a high spiritual intelligence. However, if you don't have psychic power, you cannot directly receive a message from deities in heaven. In most cases, people cannot carry out their mission, even if they are highly ready to serve humanity.
High spiritual quality ≠ ability to receive messages from deities in heaven



No matter how high their spiritual powers are, there is possibility that they won't be aware of their great abilities and unique talents as well as missions.

There is another case. Even if people are fully aware of their remarkable abilities, special talents and missions, some people are unable to pursue their mission due to various adverse circumstances,

YUKO: adverse 何かにマイナスまたは有害な影響を与える

For example, there is a doctor whose mission is to cure humanity with naturopathy to the world. However, he encounters enormous difficulties, such as the bitter opposition of the medical association against his mission, or of his family against his decision to leave the medical association and start naturopathy. These big hurdles have him decide to abandon his mission.


In such a case, he will receive divine punishment and will have a much more hard time later in life.

YUKO 怖いですね。使命を全うすることが、すなわち、幸せになることですね。ちなみに、MIENAさんの幸せの定義は?
MIENA 神の価値観に近づくことです。

Reason 3:




③The person has greater power than he or she can control it. The person is forced to become a good person before using his or her great power.

A few people have an extraordinary abilities as well as special talents among highly spiritual people. These people must have a great responsibility in using the gifts of their innate power. If not, it would be a big problem for both human society and the heavenly world when they abuse it.


霊格が高い ≠ 性格に欠点がない

For this reason, deities in heaven cause hardship for them to develop their personalities to do good things for humanity, and not to use their power in the wrong direction, such as becoming arrogant after becoming rich.

High spiritual intelligence ≠ There is no vice in personality


If there is even a little bit of "evil'' in human nature, there is a possibility that great ability and talent will be misused. Therefore, even if a person has a pleasant personality, if there is just a little bit of "evil'' in their mind and heart, Deities will give them hardships.




What does it mean by heightening up spiritual intelligence?

You may think, “I can’t find any point in achieving a higher level in my spirituality. Because even if I have reached a high level of spirituality after overcoming difficulties, I might keep struggling in my future life.''

However, deities in heaven said that it is NOT true.

Even if they experience the same hardships in the future, they are able to face difficulties with different perspectives.

Let's imagine the case their beloved husbands pass away!

○People with lower spiritual intelligence think, ”My life is over. What should I do now…”

◎People with higher spiritual intelligence think: “The soul is infinite. I can meet him whenever I want to meet him.”


Even when faced with the same level of dreadful hardships, people with higher spiritual intelligence can survive and recover much faster. Because they have grown strength and flexibility in their mind.


However, even if they have reached a higher level of spirituality, they will struggle in their life. It is like training to run faster. Once you can run the fastest in your town, your coach starts to train you harder in order to win the competition in a much bigger city, like Tokyo.


They are looking at the world from a different perspective than others.




Therefore, if you feel that your hardships do not diminish even as your spiritual strength increases, please notice that you are finding it difficult to feel that your hardships are hardships.

That is proof that your spiritual intelligence has risen above the level of other people.


Be aware of your tolerance. Because your spiritual experience has grown your tolerance. With your high tolerance for hardship, you might feel happier than before, even still having the same amount of difficulties, or you might not suffer hardship.

That is proof that your spiritual character has risen above the level of other people.



苦労が苦労だと感じにくくなっている分、求められる成果レベルが上がっています。 そのため、他人と自分の幸せを比較するのではなく、自らの高い能力を自覚し、その上で、能力を持つことに責任を感じ、使命を果たす意識を強くしていきましょう

As you don’t feel that hardship is a hardship anymore, the level of accomplishment required by deities in heaven have increased. Therefore, rather than comparing your happiness with that of others, be aware of your high tolerance and abilities. In addition to your recognition, you must be responsible for harnessing them to carry out your mission.

YUKO: 私なら、かなり意訳します。結論ですから、夢と自信を提供しましょう。

このレベルになると、自分の幸せを他人と比較することにもはや意味がありません。 困難や幸福のレベルではなく、自分の個人的な成長に焦点を当ててください。 さらに成長するためには、さらに大きなハードルを越える必要があるのです。

自分の高い許容力と能力を信じてください。 そうすれば、あなたの隠されてきた使命と才能があなたの前に現れるでしょう。 それらについては責任を持ってください。 あなたの使命を遂行しましょう。私たちの三次元の世界では時間には限りがあるのですから。

At this level, the comparison of your happiness to others doesn’t make sense for you anymore. Focus on your personal growth neither the level of hardships nor happiness. You need to pass a bigger hurdle in order to grow more.

Trust yourself having your high tolerance and abilities. Then your secret mission and unique talent will be revealed before you. Be responsible for the ability and talent of your innate power. Let's carry out your mission as soon as possible. Time is finite in our three-dimensional world.










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